Sunday, July 3, 2011

zodiac vodka

Zodiac vodka
Distilled from the finest potatoes in the world, Zodiac is handcrafted in Idaho, USA. This incredibly smooth tasting vodka also features an attractive package design. Produced and bottled exclusively in eastern Idaho, Zodiac vodka is deeply rooted in the heart of potato country

Contrary to popular belief, vodka is traditionally produced from various grains – wheat, rye, barley and oats. Back in the 18th century, the price of grain in Poland and Russia was a seventh of the price in Western Europe and cheap, harsh grain vodka had become a staple in these vodka producing regions.
It was a guy named Johann Joachim Becher (He was a Taurus), who saved the day. He developed a method for producing vodka from potatoes. While a more expensive raw ingredient, the potato vastly improved the quality of Polish vodka and by the 1820’s the potato was widely used in the production of Polish vodka. Since that time, potatoes have been automatically associated with quality vodka-making. However, the truth of the matter is that the vast majority of vodkas today are still distilled using low-cost grains. Fortunately, like Johann we believe there is a difference. As a potato vodka, Zodiac delivers a clean taste with unparalleled smoothness that is not found in grain vodka – anywhere. Johann would have been proud!